FREE 3 Day Challenge

FREE 3 Day Challenge

Ladies in Real Estate FREE 3 Day Challenge

Mindset, Money

and Making it Happen!

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The Challenge Begins October 10th

By signing up you agree to receive emails from us

Hey Girlfriend!

Are you dreaming of funding your ideal lifestyle through Real Estate?

You’re probably wondering..

  • Where to even start

  • How to overcome your money mental blocks

  • If you have what it takes to be successful

If so, this is for you!

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What to Expect During This Challenge


You will receive a short video that will explain a key concept and provide you with your daily task at 6 am Eastern on each day of the challenge.

Don't worry, your task won't take long at all, and it will be well worth it!


Join our event Facebook group and meet likeminded women. Cheer each other on and help each other with your daily tasks.

Get feedback from Deanna and her Girl Gang.


Engage in the Facebook group for a chance to win fabulous prizes.

Our most engaged group member will receive a full scholarship to our course Girlfriend's Guide to Real Estate Investing (For Beginners)!

By signing up you agree to receive emails from us

Ready to live your dream?

My mission is to empower women like you to design your own lifestyle and create the Real Estate portfolio to support it.

This 3 Day Challenge is the exact event I wish I could have participated in when I first started my journey towards designing my own lifestyle.

Here’s my story:

Climbing the ladder in the male-dominated corporate world left me feeling burnt out and unfulfilled.

We kicked ass and achieved $500M in revenue, but I had to stop and ask myself, “Deanna, is this really your dream?”

Spoiler alert: No, not at all.

My dream started when I was just a kid from a small national park looking for female role models.

I found them on TV, on shows set in sunny Southern California, and THAT became my dream:

To become the kind of woman I admired, living by the ocean with plenty of palm trees around.

Hi, I’m Deanna, Founder of REAL Power and your Challenge Host!

At 18 years old, it was the magical palm trees wrapped in fairy lights in Palm Springs that stole my heart, and I knew I had to make this dream a reality.

My then boyfriend (now husband) and I began our real estate investing journey to help make that dream come true, but we had no roadmap. We didn’t know how to scale quickly, much less how to even get started.

So I entered the corporate world, climbing the ranks through multiple industries, finally landing in one of THE most male dominated arenas: cybersecurity.

“I longed for sunshine, palm trees, fresh air, and a community of women like me.”

I’m proud to say that I eventually escaped the corporate world and built my dream life with my husband through real estate investing.

From humble beginnings we went on to acquire properties in three different countries.

After I achieved my dream, my mission to empower women became clear.

I became a mentor because no woman should ever feel stuck.

“If I can do it, so can you, and you can do it without feeling so burnt out and unfulfilled.”

Are You In?